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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about Highland Health Providers, including information on services, appointments, billing, and more.

Yes. Highland Health Providers is accepting new patients. You can schedule an appointment by calling the location nearest to you that meets your needs, depending on your circumstances.

You do not need a referral for primary care, internal medicine, pediatric care, or ob/gyn and women's services. You do need a referral from your primary care provider for our psychiatry services.

We accept anyone regardless of the ability to pay for services and accept Medicaid, Medicare, and most Private Insurance Plans. We are able to offer sliding fee discount based on income to anyone who qualifies.

You can reach your provider by calling the office number of the Highland Health Providers location where your provider works during normal business hours. You can also send a message or medication refill request to your provider via MyChart

For non-emergent needs, you can reach your provider after hours by calling Highland District Hospital's operator at 937.393.6100 and ask the operator to connect you with your provider. If it is an emergency, you should call 911 or go to your nearest Emergency Department.

School-Based Health Centers provide comprehensive health services in school buildings to ensure students, families, and communities have the health services, supports, and systems they need to achieve optimal health and education outcomes. Health care is provided to students with parental permission, as well as faculty and community members, regardless of insurance coverage or ability to pay.

We accept most major commercial insurances. It is the responsibility of each patient to ensure that Highland Health Providers is an in-network provider.

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You can call our billing vendor, Medic Management Group, at 800.345.0877 x 630 to ask about your bill/statement.

Our pharmacy can be used by anyone, but Highland Health Providers patients receive the most benefits and discounted pricing. This model also creates an unrivaled healthcare team for you because your provider and pharmacist have direct access to one another.

Any patient that sees a Highland Health Providers practitioner at Greenfield Medical Services, Highland Family Healthcare, Highland Family Medicine, Lynchburg Medical Center, Physicians for Women, and/or Rocky Fork Medical Center is eligible for additional savings.

Highland Health Rx offers free delivery to your clinic or home within the Highland Health Providers service area, adherence packaging, medication therapy management, medication synchronization, and copay assistance discounts.

Highland Health Providers patients within Highland County who have their medications synchronized, medications placed on auto-refill, and have a payment method on file at the pharmacy.